Recent Honeysuckle photos

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Website contributor Michael A. Crowe holds his 1971 photo of the antenna in front of the same location in 2023.

HSK today

On 21 November 2012, Glen Nagle from CDSCC revisited the Honeysuckle site. He contributes this photo, with the Moon between the trees at the centre of the photo (and in the inset).

This is the antenna pad.

Large, Larger.

Photo: Glen Nagle.

HSK today

Grahame Higgs of ADF-Serials (who has been a great help with info on the Dakota accident near Muchea) writes,

“I was amazed to find this colourful hairy caterpillar curled up in one of the nuts of the microwave tower foundations.”

Large, Larger. Photo: Grahame Higgs.

HSK today

The Honeysuckle site on 2nd February 2012 – with one of the foundations for the Skylab UHF Command Antenna in the foreground.

Large, Larger.

Photo: Grahame Higgs.

HSK today

Honeysuckle Creek still flows. This photo was taken near one of the small weirs, at the bottom of the track behind the site of the Powerhouse.

Photo: Colin Mackellar, 22 July 2019.