Apollo 11 Flight Plan


Apollo 11 Flight Plan

This final version of the Apollo 11 Flight Plan is one of a set sent to Honeysuckle Creek, for support of the mission.

It is dated July 1, 1969 and was received at the station on July 11, just five days before launch.

This copy was designated for the Telemetry (TLM) and Computer sections, and has been preserved by Honeysuckle Creek’s Bryan Sullivan, and includes his notations.

The Flight Plan was scanned, and this PDF file assembled, by Colin Mackellar for www.honeysucklecreek.net, May 2014.

For authenticity, the pages have been assembled without rotation of those pages where text and charts are sideways (they can be easily rotated in a PDF viewer). Page 1-7 is a foldout chart. Blank pages have also been retained.

Click here for the 73MB PDF file.


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